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Support Trojan’s Trek

Trojan’s Trek receives minimal government funding so we rely on donations of money or consumables and goods related to the Trek from past participants and corporates.

Becoming a sponsor for Trojan’s Trek offers a unique and impactful opportunity to play a vital role in guiding participants through their journey of rediscovery and empowerment during their transition from service to civilian life or return to work.

Sponsors contribute not only to individual well-being but also to collective growth, resilience, and purpose within communities.

By supporting Trojan’s Trek, sponsors align themselves with a noble cause that seeks to equip individuals with the tools and mindset needed for a successful transition and fulfilling their life’s mission.

As a corporate sponsor, your organisation can receive: the opportunity for veteran members of your organisation to attend a camp to support thier lifes journey,  naming rights (symbolising your dedication to supporting our cause), brand exposure, sponsor placement on digital media and merchandise, and access to clinical reports demonstrating the positive outcomes for participants.

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